When you arrive at Kempegowda International Airport and ascend the staircase, you may be required to take a pre-registered PCR test. We will share information on how to do this prior to your departure to come to Bangalore. Once this is done, or if this step is not required, you will proceed to Indian Immigration. Do not go to the "Visa on Arrival" counters set off to the right side as you proceed to immigration. Go to the main line. You will be processed and stamped and make sure to keep the page open with this stamp, as immediately upon crossing through immigration, someone will check that you have been stamped.

You will then proceed to another cue for a scan of your carry on bags and body. This is mostly to check for smuggling of gold, a big thing here. Head down the stairs after this scan to baggage claim. Claim your bags. Please bring wet wipes in your carry on- for sterilizing the plane seat, but also in case you find chalk marks on your bags, discreetly use a wet wipe to clean off the chalk marks. Indian Customs scans all bags prior to releasing them. Ones that maybe show things they want to look at get chalked. Removing the chalk marks means likely smooth sailing through customs.

When you exit the airport building, move to the left and you will see the CIS Welcome Team waiting for you! They will take your bags and get you to your new home. From one of the Welcome Team members you will receive a temporary SIM card.

In some cases we will be able to set up a temporary internet connection for one month that you can then change, augment or keep once you have all the proper documents to do so (takes a few days). We can have an appointment for installation on the day you arrive too so that you won't be without a connection for more than a few hours. Your temporary SIM card will also be able to hotspot you to tell loved ones you are safe and sound!


All foreigners visiting India on long term (more than 180 days) are required to get them registered with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) within 14 days of arrival.

We do this with you on campus in your first days of orientation.

Visa Registration and Extension

As you are aware that you have to register your Visa with the Foreign Regional Registration Office (FRRO) after your arrival. So we need to be prepared for the same. Here are the details required to get a prior appointment from FRRO. Kindly send these details along with the completely filled Application Form.

  • Passport page copy
  • Visa page copy
  • Passport size (Standard Size) picture 10 Nos (with White background,Two for FRRO and rest all are for admin purposes)
  • Marriage Certificate/Birth Certificate of Children (only if applicable)
  • Your exact arrival date to INDIA.
  • Please Note: Application form will be sent to your school mail ID
  • Please note: The below details are for your information and once you all are here we can create the user ID and Password.

I hope you are aware of the FRRO new rules. Since online services are available, it is important that each foreigner to register online with the FRRO and share the username & password with me to upload the visa documents during visa registration process.

Here are some steps to follow to create the User ID and Password:

Step 1: Click on the link given below -
Step 2: Please select REGISTER

Step 3: Registration form - Please fill all the details like - Email ID, mobile No, Name, Date of birth, gender, Passport No and Nationality and enter the Captcha Value

Note 1: Valid Email ID and Mobile Number in India is mandatorily required for obtaining the One Time Password (OTP). Foreigners should register with their own email ID and provide valid Mobile Number in India for receiving OTP and other status updates/alerts at various stages of processing.

Note 2: Please use School Email ID

Step 4: The Received OTP from your Phone/Mail ID should be entered with Captcha Value and Click Submit

Step 5: Password Creation -

  • Password Must be min 8 chars
  • And use at least one special character (@ ! # $ * )
  • and use at least number
  • and use at least lowercase
  • Your exact arrival date to INDIA.
  • and use at least uppercase letter

Step 6: Done. Please share the Email ID and the Password to us and we shall upload the necessary document online for your FRRO needs