Every employee must obtain a Criminal Record Check for the last 3 placements or ten (10) years, whichever is greater. National background checks preferred. Please refer the link here.

In view of safeguarding of children and child protection, all staff in contact with children need to be thoroughly background checked. CIS-India has partnered with Avvanz, a global background screening company ( Please follow the 5 steps carefully.

Step 1:

You need to create an Account at Under Company field, pls insert “CIS-Bangalore”.

Step 2:

Once your account is activated, you will get an email. You can now self-order a background check. You must select the following checks:

  • ** Global Sanction Check – Select Worldwide
  • ** Criminal Check – Select Countries where you have lived in the last 10 years by clicking on “+”.
  • ** Sex Offenders Registry (Only if you have worked/lived/studied in the US) – Select United States of America
  • ** Social Media Check – Select Worldwide

Under Years of Coverage: Up to last 10 years

Under Candidate Data Entry field, please select “To be filled by Candidate”

Then click Submit.

Step 3:

Fill the various Tabs in the Form.

In the Personal Information Tab, Upload your signed Letter of Consent that can be found here.

If you need some guidance in filling up Form, pls watch this 10 mins video:

Pls remember to SAVE each Tab and then SAVE AND SUBMIT.

Step 4:

Please log in to CASES Tab Ready for Processing Cases

Then Click on Proceed To Checkout. Case now becomes an Order for Avvanz to work on. Under Promo Code, insert CIS5. This will automatically deduct 5% off your bill.

ScreenGlobal related resources if you need more guidance

Please bring original criminal record check when you arrive in July.