Tax Residency Certificate (TRC)

Tax Residency Certificate, in other countries, is also known as “Certificate of Residence”, Certificate of Tax Residency”, “Certificate of Fiscal Resident” and so on Provisions of Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) require specified people to obtain this certificate from their home country for claiming relief under the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA) that India has entered into with the other country. These rules have been introduced to ensure that people don’t misuse the provisions of DTAA.

Essentially, a TRC classifies a person as a resident of one country and makes him eligible to claim relief under the DTAA of the other country. This requirement is applicable from Financial Year 2013 and onwards.

TRC is required for those foreign nationals who come to India for a specified period and are claiming relief under the DTAA on their Indian income. It is also applicable to Indians who are going abroad and the host country requires a TRC to allow tax exemptions there.

A foreign national claiming relief under DTAA is required to make an application in the home country to its tax authorities (or any other designated authorities) and obtain a TRC. This process could take a few weeks to a month.

TRC should be provided compulsorily if you are claiming Tax relief in India under DTAA.

Click here to view the Tax Status of Countries based on TRC

For any support regarding your Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) please reach out to Mr. Nanda Kumar- | Mob: +91-9886955203