CIS provides stipends for faculty based on family size (Single; Two people; Three or more people) with certain hard and soft furnishings also provided. The stipend will cover most if not all of the apartment costs in places we have found. Faculty may choose other housing and will be responsible for any costs above the allotted stipend based on family size.

  • 3 bedroom apartment for teaching couple with dependent children
  • 2 bedroom apartment for teaching couple without dependent children
  • 2 bedroom apartment for single teacher or teacher with non-teaching spouse and dependent children

The parties shall draw up and sign a list of hard and soft furnishings provided by The School and present in the said accommodation and once so signed the furnishings shall be deemed to be present at the accommodation.

If the employee decides not to accept the School's accommodation, they can make private accommodation only after the end of the first year contract.

In such cases:

  • The school shall pay directly to the owner a rental allowance (includes maintenance charges): Single occupant-20,000 Rs./Month; Double Occupancy (a teaching couple or a teacher with one dependent)-25,000 Rs./Month; Triple + occupancy (a teaching couple with one or more children, one teacher with 2 or more dependents)- 30,000Rs./Month. Any cost over these amounts- must be met by the employee.
  • The cost of the water, electricity, gas, telephone and Internet used and installed at the said accommodation (“the Utilities”) and any deposit required by the providers of the Utilities shall be paid by the Employee.
  • Reasonable yearly increases in the rent (usually up to 5%) beyond the allowance will be borne by the school.
  • Should you wish to move after your first year-you may do so, but are responsible for any losses in the security deposit.
  • All moving expenses will be paid by the employee.
  • Change of address/location may affect obtaining the Police Clearance in a timely manner.
  • Cost of maintenance work, if any, in the new house will be borne by the employee.
  • The employee will be solely responsible for any issues/safety/ security concerns in the private accommodation that he/she makes.
  • All hard and soft furnishing for non-school accommodation shall be borne by the employee.
  • Ensure to settle the Security Deposit before you leave CIS. It is the responsibility of the employee to see that the house owner is paying the money back to CIS.